Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Anyone Want to Work for Me?

Alright- so my friends in Spokane keep on nagging me to update, so here's what I have to say: I am a 6th grader now, and I really enjoy my job as president. But I can't just be solo like I have been the past couple of months, so I've decided (after long, sleepless nights of staring at the ceiling) that I am going to hire some employees, you know, like Vice President (my top assistant who will be paid car fulls of money, or around that value) representatives from each city (just so you know, the cities in KKW are Sparkle, Orange, Krazy- the capital- Doizabizzler, and Flipapoodle), a Creativity Spark(one who gives great ideas for events, contests, etc.), and a secretary (to answer the 2 calls I get each day). I will have auditions for these important positions, and those will take place in Spokane during or after school the next few days. In order to audition, you will have to have a sales-pitch type of speech to try and convince me. And for the audition, have this in your mind "I want to be HIRED, not FIRED!" Thanks!

Hope to update soon!

P.S. In order to reach me- just call me at 911- 911- 911- 911 EXT. Orange


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