Wednesday, August 30, 2006

All About Ethelberta Hops

Hey everyone! Look, I am really sorry for not telling you guys what's up here in the past few weeks, cuz its been SUMMER! and I been relaxing and taking a break from being president. (hard work, it is!) I went with some friends to Hawk Creek, where we swam and hiked and paddled ourselves around in a raft. It was fun. But you see, when we were hiking, we came across a rabbit fur that had been shed off a rabbit when it was killed somehow. On the way back, we laid flowers and leaves on it, and we realized it's name was Ethelberta Hops. We also realized she had a huge family: 5 brothers and one sister, 2 parents, 4 grandparents, and 4 great grandparents. Let me show you the family.
Great Grandparents
Paul and Ethelberta Hops Bernardo and Fanny Farley
Samuel and Anne Hops Fredrick and Fiona Farley
Buck and Penelope Hops
Rockie-17 (boy)
Ethelberta- (the rabbit that died-girl) 15
Bernardo-13 (boy)
Fredrick-11 (triplet-boy)
Flinn-11 (triplet-boy)
Flopsy-11 (triplet-girl)
Toby-9 (boy)
So there's the family. I know, huge. But we are all part of the biggest family, God's family. So if you happen to be going to Hawk Creek, (which is two hours away from east of Spokane, if you wanted to know) and if you hike on the trail that we hiked on, and if you find Ethelberta's fur, remember this story and about her HUGE family. Thanks very much, and have a great rest of the summer. See ya, and hope to update soon. Bye!