Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hi again! I am going down to KrazyKate World in an hour, so I have to take a shower soon. But I have some news to tell you. I am proudly presenting two (2) tickets to go down to KrazyKate World. I am going to have a drawing from a hat at my house in Spokane on Sunday night (tomorrow) at 6:00 p.m. There you can get the tickets.You should come! My adress is 123456789 Elkimino Way. It is the big orange mansion at the very end of the street. It will probably have 5 orange Hummers parked outside on the side of the street. If they aren't there, then try looking for any orange limo's. If you finally find the house, go through the tunnel and when you come out, there will be a parking lot for you to park, then (once you park) you will find golf carts on the other side of the lot. Hop into those, and the driver will drive you back to the house (well, actually, mansion!). Have fun once you get inside! Oh, and one more thing, the money that you pay for the raffle tickets in the hat ($2 each ticket) well, all of it goes torward Krazy School down in KrazyKate World. Thank you!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Hi again! Sorry I haven't spoken in a while. Did I tell you that I go to school in America? I go to a tiny city called Spokane. I actually have a house up there. And that is where my family lives. I sorta live up there, too. I just visit KrazyKate World every few days. Sometimes, actually I go there after school. Okay, I admit, I get off school at 12:30 and take a KrazyJet to KrazyKate World. My teacher knows I am the president there, so she lets me get off school early- so I can go to KrazyKate World and you know, take care of things. But Mom always wants me home for dinner. Once we are done with dinner, which is about 8:00, I work on my homework till 9:00 then I work on KrazyKate World things till 10:00 and then I go to bed. Sometimes I take a day off from school, and sometimes I take a day off from KrazyKate World, and just go to school for a full day. One moment, someones calling... oh! It is George Bush! Well, excuse me. I need to go. Bye bye!